

Updated On

1. Introduction

Tenet Global Ltd, Tenet Bank Ltd (“Tenet” or “we” or “us”) and its affiliates are committed to providing excellent service to our clients. However, if you wish to raise a complaint, we will do our best to address these consistently, promptly and fairly. This page sets out how to make a complaint.

2. How to File a Complaint

If you wish to file a complaint, please contact our Chief Risk Officer using any of the following methods:

  • Email: Email the Chief Risk Officer via complaints@tenet.ky
  • Postal Mail: Francis Donoghue, Tenet Bank Ltd., Suite 6302, 62 Forum Lane, Camana Bay, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands

3. What happens next?

We will send an acknowledgement of your complaint within 5 business days of receipt, which will set out the contact of who will be responsible for reviewing and investigating your complaint, the review process and what this might entail and the estimated timeline for the process. We will provide you updates on the progress of the complaint and investigation process where required, including if the investigation takes longer than expected or if there are any delays.

We aim to resolve complaints within 4 weeks of receiving your complaint. Once our investigation is concluded, we will contact you with our findings and final decision in writing.

4. Escalation

If you are unhappy with our response, it is open to you to contact the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. For further information please refer to Policy on Complaints Against Licensees, Registrants and Other Supervised Entities.